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Exit strategy and sustainability plan for Civil Society Facility 2015 in the Republic of Moldova

The document presents the exit strategy and the sustainability plan for the Civil Society Facility (CSF) 2015 in the Republic of Moldova. The Strategy refers to all four projects implemented in the framework of Civil Society Facility 2015, with a total budget of 8.368 Million Euro and an implementation period between September 2017 and the end of 2021. The four projects comprise of one (1) Technical Assistance (TA) Project awarded to the Consortium led by KMOP (Family and Childcare Centre) entitled “Technical Assistance to support CSO development in the Republic of Moldova” (EuropeAid/138197/DH/SER/MD-Relaunch) and three (3) grant contracts, in the framework of the EU-funded project “Support to Civil Society in the Republic of Moldova” (EuropeAid/152768/DD/ACT/MD), awarded respectively to the East European Foundation (EEF) Moldova, SOROS Moldova and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS).

Download: Exit strategy and sustainability plan for Civil Society Facility 2015 in the Republic of Moldova (PDF, 1.93MB)