RFQ-2024-018-Mod1 Provision of an automation system (including IT equipment) for stores stock management.

RFQ-2024-018-Mod1 Provision of an automation system (including IT equipment) for stores stock management.

The Future Technologies Activity Project is a program funded by USAID, Sweden and UK Aid and implemented by Chemonics International Inc in The Republic of Moldova. The goal of the Future Technologies Activity (FTA) is to enhance the competitiveness of Moldovan transformative sectors, including light manufacturing, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), precision engineering, creative industries, and digital media production, and to improve the country’s integration with Western markets in these sectors. As part of project activities, the FTA requires the purchase of an automation system, including IT equipment, for stores stock management to be installed at the stores owned by the FTA’s grant beneficiary. The purpose of this RFQ is to solicit quotations for these items.

Mandatory Site Visit: A mandatory site visit will be organized on February 28, 2024 at 10:00 AM local Chisinau time. Site address and contact details will be shared with interested offerors upon request to ftaprocurement@chemonics.md by February 27, 2024 at 15:00 PM. During the site visit, technical specifications and features for the required equipment and personalized configuration of the automation system shall be discussed. Subsequent questions following the site visit may be submitted by March 04, 2024. Chemonics will not cover any travel costs related to the offerors’ site visit.

Questions: Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this RFQ may be submitted no later than 12:00 local Chisinau time on March 04, 2024 by email to ftaprocurement@chemonics.md. Questions must be submitted in writing; phone calls will not be accepted. Questions and requests for clarification—and the responses thereto—that Chemonics believes may be of interest to other offerors will be circulated to all RFQ recipients who have indicated an interest in bidding.

Offer Deadline and Protocol: Offers must be received no later than 18:00 local Chisinau time on March 10, 2024 by email to ftaprocurement@chemonics.md. Please reference the RFQ number in any response to this RFQ. Offers received after the specified time and date will be considered late and will be considered only at the discretion of Chemonics.

Please access the RFQ-2024-018-Modification 1 at the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tk_S9SZY8urSmFGpuj2Y3KcJJk37ifv2/view?usp=sharing